Saturday, December 6, 2014

Is your business like mcdonalds?

A few days ago I posted an article on “Tips To Improve Your Email Open Rates” and I ran across a couple more “quickies” from a guest blogger, Pooja Lohana, on Jeff Bulla’s blog that I wanted to share.

1.  First of all CONTENT is important.  If you are constantly asking your list to buy, they will eventually unsubscribe.  At least that’s what I do anyway.

2. Use Your Real Name. You are trying to build a relationship with your subscribers right?  Let them put a name with your face.  After all, who would you rather receive an email from…a friend or a business?

3.  Use Your Real Email Address - what happens when you write from “”?
No one replies right?  As a blogger and marketer, you want your subscribers to know you are a real person and they can connect with you.

I have also found that a paid email has a better open rate than a free account.  A free account is gmail, yahoo, aol, etc.  It’s best to purchase a domain and create a email forwarding to another account….even a free account.  This can easily be done with a GoDaddy domain and I’m sure it’s just as easy with other domain providers.

4.  Use Clear Subject Lines - 33% of email recipients open email based on subject line alone. Don’t confuse your reader.  Let them know in the subject line what’s inside.

5.  Use Power Words In Your Subject Line - As I mentioned (and listed) several words not to use in my previous post, there are also many words that are powerful and intriguing. 
Some examples are “guaranteed, “secrets”, “discover”, “unleash”, “off-limits”, “proven”, “you”.  Sensory and emotional words attract more attention and will increase email open rates.

6.  Use The Word You instead of I. “You” is one of the most persuasive words in the English language.  This will help build a stronger relationship and make your reader feel like you are talking directly to them.

7.  Use The Power Of P.S.- Remind people of a deadline. Or repeat what they stand to lose if they don’t take up your offer. Always continue to provide a benefit.

8.  Have A Personal Welcome Message - When someone opts in my email list, they immediately receive a welcome email.  Almost always, this email will contain a personal welcome video from me…here’s an example < < - -  Even if you don’t include a video, it’s still important that they receive a personal message from you.  At that point, you can let them know when to expect emails from you and also ask them to “whitelist” your email.

If you enjoyed this post “8 Foolproof Ways To Increase Email Open Rates” please feel free to share it with others and leave your comments below.

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Sherry Parks Starnes
 Sherry Starnes
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